“C” PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE is a high level and general purpose programming language which is adequate for developing portable applications and firmware. This is the most widely used language. It belongs to the structured and procedural paradigm of languages.
What will the Course Offer You?
C Language Syllabus
What is C ?
Execution of C Program
Structure of C Program
Variables and Keywords:
Character Set
Escape Sequence Characters
Real Constant
Integer Constant
Character Constant
String Constant
Data Types:
Floating point values in real life and in “C”, float literals
Arithmetic operators
Priority and binding
Post-and pre –incrementation and –decrementation
Operators of type op=
Char type and ASCII code, char literals
Equivalence of int and char data
Comparison operators
Conditional execution and if keyword
printf()and scanf()functions: absolute basics
Flow control
Conditional execution continued: the “else” branch
Moreinteger and float types
Type cast and its operators
Loops–while, do and for
Controlling the loop execution –break and continue
Logical and bitwise operators
Assignment Operator
Arithmetic Operators
Logical Operators
Relational Operators
Shorthand Operators
Unary Operators
Conditional / Ternary Operator
Biwise Operators
Operator Precedence and Associativity
If Statement
If-Else Statement
Nested If-Else
Switch Case
Looping Statements
Looping / Iterative Statements
do while
for loop
Break Statement
Continue Statement
How to declare, define and invoke a function
Variables’ scope, local variables and function parameters
Pointers, arrays and structures as function parameters
Function result and return statement
Void as a parameter, pointer and result
Parameterzing the main function
External function and the extern declarator
Header files and their role
Storage Classes:
Storage Classes
Automatic Storage Class (auto)
Register Storage Class (register)
Static Storage Class (static)
External Storage Class (extern)
Switch:different faces of ‘if’
Arrays(vectors) –why do you need them?
Sortingin real life and in a computer memory
Initiators: a simple way to set an array
Pointers: another kind of data in “C”
An address, a reference, a dereference and the size of operator
Simple pointer and pointer to nothing (NULL) & operator
Pointers arithmetic
Pointers vs. arrays: different forms of the same phenomenon
Using strings: basics
Basicfunctions dedicated to string manipulation
Memory management and structures
Themeaning of array indexing
Theusage of pointers: perils and disadvantages
Void type
Arrays of arrays and multi dimensional arrays
Memory allocation and deallocation:malloc()and free()functions